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    What is not being talked about is African American health “Blk Health.” Did you know that the African American communities is being hit the hardest.? They are suffering a great parentage of leading cause of health conditions than any other race that exist.  Some of the most serious diseases and causes of death such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, AIDs, obesity, and infant mortality that we are not only susceptible too but, most likely to die from. 


     Why is that? Why us? Reason being they African American communities have Less access to Health care, lack of financial resources, low income, Social economic status, factors such as Lifestyle, food we choose to eat, genetics and culture barriers. The focus is not just race issue but a human issue. 


    The biggest issue I seen with my own eyes was patients having to choice between, house hold needs, keeping food on the table versus copayment to doctor visit, cost of medication or transportation issues. This has become worldwide epidemic among the African American Community that we cannot seem to fix. Think about this for a minute, have you notice fast food and liquor stores on every corner in the black community compared to where Whole Foods Markets are located!  

 However, what about our lack of accountability over our own health, knowledge, prevention, genetic testing, and education about one’s own health, that we as African American do not make time for until it is too late. 




10 Leading causes of Death among African Americans:

Heart Disease


Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke)



Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases

Assault (Homicides)

Kidney Disease





However, just to name a few there is a Signiant difference when comparison of different races. Here are some shocking results: 



Heart Disease and Stroke

Leading cause of death on African American Men and woman. Coronary Artery Disease killed 136.3 blacks while targeting only 95.1 whites. 

Stroke per year 42.5 deaths in African American and 23.3 deaths in white 

Stroke kills 4 times more 35-54-year-old blacks than whites. 

Black develop high blood pressure early in life, over the age of 20 than whites. 



Cancer treatment is equally successful among all races sadly, African Americans have highly suffer and potentially dying from cancer higher cancer death at 40% then white woman. 

Breast and cervical cancer being the highest rate at 20% then whites meanwhile, cervical cancer seems to be reducing among other races.

Black men are 50% higher to die from lung cancer. 




Can you believe 60% blacks are diagnosed diabetes In American then whites, Related to overweight and obesity. Leading at 5.6 times likely to suffer kidney disease and 2.5 times likely to suffer limb amputation. 





-Be open to Lifestyle change and Behavior Modifications  

-Take in accountability over your own health

-Take notes what MD is saying, do not be afraid to ask questions about your health, discounts and insurance prescriptions plans. 

-Have a clear understanding about your health if possible, have someone accompany you to appointments. 

-Educate yourself about genetic testing research for your family.

-Take part in early prevention

-Make better healthy eating choices (non-diet approach) and Physical Activity. 

Remember, you have that right over your own health.



If unsure how to get started, Ashley can guide you!




 Ashley N. LVN, LPN, C.H.W.C 

-Eleven Wellness Services 

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